Casting Audrey Hepburn was seen as a snub of Andrews, and so it was producer and studio head Jack L. Dunn, Sandy Edmundson, Joe Evans, Kai Farelli, Ray Foster, Raymond Foster, Raymond Foster, Stanley Fraser, Charles Fredericks, Lea Genovese, Ayllene Gibbons, Jack Goldie, Jack Greening, Beatrice Grenough, Clive Halliday, Sam Harris, Marjory Hawtrey, Eric Heath, Monika Henreid, Eugene Hoffman, Samuel Holmes, Jimmie Horan, Clyde Howdy, Kendrick Huxham, Lillian Kemble-Cooper, Phyllis Kennedy, Colin Kenny, Goldie Kleban, Peter Ladefoged, Alma Lawton, Queenie Leonard, William Linkie, Rico Lopez, Moyna MacGill, Laurie Main, Sidney Marion, Eric Martin, Owen McGiveney, John McLiam, Shirley Melline, Carol Merrill, Gigi Michel, Lenore Miller, John Mitchum, Barbara Morrison, Marlene Morrow, Alan Napier, Nick Navarro, James O'Hara, Patrick O'Moore, Richard Peel, George Pelling, Barbara Pepper, Hilda Plowright, Frank Radcliffe, Jack Raine, Olive Reeves-Smith, Christopher Riordan, David Robel, Dinah Anne Rogers, Victor Rogers, Corinne Ross, Baroness Rothschild, Wendy Russell, Kenny Salvatt, Miriam Schiller, Buddy Shea, Orville Sherman, Jacqueline Squire, Michael St. Many viewers would rather discuss the film that wasn't made, the one that would have starred Julie Andrews, who made the role of Eliza her own on the stage.

All actors – Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Gladys Cooper, Jeremy Brett, Theodore Bikel, Mona Washbourne, Isobel Elsom, John Holland,, Elizabeth Aimers, Helen Albrecht, John Alderson, Mary Alexander, LaWana Backer, Frank Baker, Lois Battle, Brittania Beatey, William Beckley, Marjorie Bennett, Oscar Beregi Jr., Betty Blythe, Diana Bourbon, Iris Bristol, Tex Brodus, Sue Bronson, Meg Brown, Buddy Bryant, Walter Burke, Bea Marie Busch, Colin Campbell, Jeannie Carson, Paulle Clark, Natalie Core, Tom Cound, Jennifer Crier, Maurice Dallimore, Allison Daniell, Henry Daniell, Donna Day, Roy Dean, Thomas Dick, Brendan Dillon, Anne Dore, Pauline Drake, Harvey B.